Dissemination of Audit Results to Different Stakeholders

Tools and mechanisms for communicating with stakeholders

Communicating and Promoting the Value and Benefits of SAIs: An INTOSAI Guideline

3.2.3. Instruments and Tools for Communicating the Value and Benefits of SAIs to Stakeholders

One of the most important ways to promote the value and benefits of SAIs is to publish and disseminate audit reports in a timely and accessible manner. Reports may be published or disseminated in many ways, including the following:

a) testimony at hearings before legislative bodies and other appropriate high-level stakeholder forums;

b) electronic reports distributed via SAIs’ websites that can include interactive media, such as video, audio, and graphics; and

c) hard-copy reports distributed to legislative bodies, audited entities, media sources, and citizens (including via public libraries and SAI offices). This can be particularly appropriate where many citizens do not have easy access to information technology.

In addition, there are many ways to publicize the release of new audit reports and disseminate their content in user-friendly formats. For example, SAIs could use a variety of means (as appropriate to the environment and using adequate safeguards over the information and communication systems), such as the following:

a) notices posted on the SAIs’ websites;

b) e-mail sent to the SAIs’ distribution lists to alert users to new products—for example, the Argentinean SAI publishes a periodic electronic newsletter detailing audit results, which is sent to a list of individuals compiled by the SAI and includes civil society organizations, journalists, legislators, academics, and anyone else who wishes to subscribe to the newsletter;

c) videos posted on YouTube, including videos of SAI representatives testifying before legislative bodies—for example, the Netherlands SAI has established a YouTube channel, which is being accessed in increasing numbers;

d) podcasts posted on iTunes or other sites (and available on RSS feeds), such as taped interviews of SAI executives discussing their recent products—for example, the U.S. SAI has produced more than 100 audio podcasts that are currently available through iTunes;

e) updates to SAI Facebook pages or other social media, providing information on new products, open recommendations, and financial or other results of audits—for example, the U.S. SAI maintains an official Facebook page providing such information;

f) messages sent via Twitter feeds to alert legislative and executive officials, citizens, academics, and others to the publication of new SAI products—for example, the Chilean SAI makes use of Twitter to communicate quickly and concisely with citizens;

g) graphics and visual images from reports posted to sites such as Flickr or SlideShare—for example, the French SAI created a SlideShare account in May 2012, and the U.K. SAI has initiated a Flickr page in the past year;

h) the use of QR (quick response) codes, sharing widgets, and mobile phone apps to allow users to quickly access the SAI’s website and products—for example, each of these technologies has recently been employed by the U.S. SAI;

i) online chats and blogs with SAI executives on topics relating to recently issued products, current issues, and so forth—for example, the SAI of the Republic of Georgia posts online chats and blogs on its website concerning issues of interest;

j) appearances by SAI executives on television or radio shows (including participation in public and academic debates)—for example, the Colombian SAI produces its own television program to provide this visibility, and the SAI of South Africa reaches out to rural and remote communities through local radio broadcasts;

k) interviews of SAI executives by newspaper and other print reporters;

l) simplified written presentations of technical audit reports that are designed to reach a popular audience;

m) live presentations of audit results to audited entities and legislative bodies as a means of highlighting the message in simplified form and creating awareness and understanding of the issues and the role of the SAI—for example, the SAI of South Africa conducts annual road shows, in which the Auditor General shares the consolidated results of audit outcomes with the highest level of the executive and legislative stakeholders;

n) cooperative agreements with universities and other research institutions for sharing technical and scientific information and analysis and developing expertise;

o) working with key institutions in the area of education and communications to leverage their ability to provide educational and informational services to schools at various levels—for example, the German SAI is liaising with the Federal Agency for Civic Education to include SAI topics in the agency’s service and product portfolio, as well as to put them on its communication agenda, as appropriate; and

p) public dissemination points at the SAIs’ official locations—for example, the Peruvian SAI maintains an interactive touch screen, delivering news and items of interest regarding the SAI, at the entrance to their establishment.

Any comments? Please notify us here.


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