
This module introduces a framework to help SAIs identify the different available entry points for conducting citizen engagement initiatives throughout the audit cycle, according to their particular context, capacities, and objectives.

The module is divided into two main sections: 1. Communicating with the Public, and 2. Citizen Participation in the Audit Process.

The first section touches upon communication strategies, a critical pillar for fostering SAI–citizen engagements. The emphasis of this section is on equipping SAIs with the necessary tools and methodologies to draft an effective communication plan to (a) make audit information accessible to a diverse audience, (b) collaborate with media and diverse stakeholders to amplify their message, and (c) ensure widespread dissemination of audit findings.

The second section presents various entry points for SAI–citizen engagement during the audit cycle by providing tools and methods to assist readers in designing and implementing a successful engagement strategy. This section includes experiences from countries around the world describing how citizens effectively participate (a) in the audit planning process, (b) during audit implementation, (c) at the time of the audit dissemination, or (d) when monitoring implementation of audit recommendations. Those examples showcase the results that can be achieved through collaboration in practice.

Learning Objectives

At the end of Module 2, you will be able to do the following:

  • Understand why a communication strategy is key to engage the public, and know the basic approach to develop such a strategy
  • Describe the different models of citizen engagement and their applications in the exercise of public scrutiny
  • Describe public participation at each stage of the audit cycle and identify some of the tools and methods that can be applied to enhance engagement at each stage

Any comments? Please notify us here.


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