Participation During the Planning Phase

It is important that SAIs possess adequate mechanisms to direct their auditing plans to better reflect the social demand for control. The institutional relevance and general effectiveness of oversight agencies’ work is significantly increased if the preferences and interests of the ultimate beneficiaries are actively considered in the design and performance of SAIs’ work.

INTOSAI standards on transparency and accountability emphasize the importance of setting up formal mechanisms by which the public can make suggestions and lodge complaints about alleged irregularities in public bodies. That imput could serve as the basis for future audits (ISSAI 20 and 21, principle 9, and others).

Unlike complaints from the public, which generally are individual—even anonymous—and can be made at any time through different means, participatory planning consists in institutionalizing the process of engagement through public hearings and meetings in which CSOs are called before the SAI’s annual plan is drafted to suggest programs or entities to be audited. The expertise and knowledge CSOs and other external actors possess of certain issues and problems in the field are highly valuable and complementary in identifying areas where oversight is needed.

Any comments? Please notify us here.


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